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Daniel's Painting LLC is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Established in 2004.



I want to start off by saying since I was a little kid I use to be by myself majority of the time and playing in the woods and around water and I use to find and catch animals of all kind and explore them and learn about them as well and back then there wasn't no camera phones to take pictures but my mom still to today can describe how much I was in love with animals of all kind and the earth itself, because every time she turned around I would have a new pet with me all the time, I found myself most of the time with animals when I was growing up as a child because they couldn't judge me and I was comfortable around them, so I found peace in being around animals,  another reason is because animals come in a variety of colors all across the world and that is another reason that I love colors, it all makes since the earth, trees, water, and animals gives us these beautiful colors that we see everyday in our life and that's another reason I like painting because I paint and work with different colors all the time for a living and when my mom and family would come looking for me they always found me with an animal of some kind and taking care of it as well and today I still have animals around me in my life and love them with all my heart and always will to the day I die, and it hurts me more than words can express when I see a human hurting or harming a animal for no reason at all,  just because they can and I try and find answers why can some people in this world be so cruel to animals and wildlife, its very heart breaking and sad and I'm making it a mission in my life to help in a lot of ways to save and protect animals, wildlife, water, trees, and the planet itself so our kids and there kids will have a planet full of color and will be able to see animals as well as I did when I was little and it will give them the joy like it gave me in my life time, its something that I want to help accomplish the rest of my life on earth to help these animals that are been mistreated for no reason just because they can be and its heart breaking and so upsetting and they can't ask for help at all, so we our there voice we have to do better as humans and protect them as much as possible from the bad people in this world who has no heart in them at all, so with all that said I have a donation site (World Wildlife Fund) where you can click on below where it says donate here and it will take you to a donation page so you can donate if you would like to. If not that's ok to, I always donate some of my income from each job I receive to a animal charity organization that's legit. At times I will donate to help the earth as in trees, water, pollution, clean up or some kind of donation to help the planet we live in and I also want to say we all have a choice and a specific love in life that we want to help and donate to and no matter what it is as long as it is positive and can change the world for the better,  we together can make a difference and we can do it one bark at a time!

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